SPRING IS COMING: do you need help choosing a greenhouse COVER?


Which COVER would be the most suitable for your greenhouse?

From January, the days start to get longer and gardeners’ eyes start to shift more and more towards their garden. What and where to grow this year? What to put in the open ground and what in the greenhouse? If you already have a greenhouse , what condition is it in? And the most confusing stories are those who are just starting to look for a greenhouse. What kind, how big, where?
Which COVER would be the most suitable for your greenhouse?

Choosing the right cover is certainly one of the most important questions when choosing a greenhouse. Each seller praises his material but not all good and bad features are always explained.
We will try to explain the pros and cons of different options below.
The final and most suitable choice should make everyone themselves. According to what, why and where you are going to grow and what other activities you are planning for your greenhouse.


  • Natural, natural and traditional material.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Transparent and bright – looks good inside and out.
  • Depending on the thickness of the glass, its strength to impact, wind and gravity (usually 3mm and 4mm thick glass would be offered).
  • The cheapest material after film.
  • In case of very active sun, it may be necessary to shade the glass.
  • When covering with ordinary glass, the covering usually consists of smaller square panes with overlapping, which are connected together with clamps. The positive aspect of the breaking process is that the entire side or roof panel may not break, but only one square part of it.
  • When broken, fragments of different sizes are produced.


  • Natural, natural and traditional material.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Transparent and bright – looks good inside and out.
  • Depending on the thickness of the glass, its strength to impact, wind and gravity (usually 3mm and 4mm thick glass would be offered).
  • After film and ordinary glass, one of the most affordable materials.
  • In case of very active sun, it may be necessary to shade the glass.
  • In addition to clear transparent glass, horticultural glass is also produced as an immediately diffused version of textured frosted glass that does not require shading . Light gets through it enough, but the plants are protected.
  • The cover can be made of smaller square glasses with an overlay, which are connected to each other with clamps, or of whole panels. As for glass squares, the positive thing is that the entire side or roof panel may not break, but only one of its square parts.
  • Due to the higher silicon content, the material is more suitable for plant growth than ordinary glass.
  • When broken, fragments of different sizes are produced.


  • Natural, natural material.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Transparent and bright – looks good inside and out.
  • 6 times stronger and more durable than normal glass (usually 3mm and 4mm thick tempered glass would be offered).
  • Some manufacturers also offer tempered scattered ice glass for the roof to protect plants from excessive heat.
  • In the case of tempered glass, it is a full panel on both sides and roof (not interlocking squares).
  • More expensive than ordinary and unique glass and film, but cheaper than polycarbonate.
  • Tempered glass can sometimes be slightly tinted.
  • Shatterproof , shatters into salt like car glass.
  • Tempered glass is our customers’ FAVORITE COVERING MATERIAL.


  • Unnatural material.
  • Difficult to clean.
  • Tends to grow full of debris and nature over time and becomes less transparent and ugly as a result (from green to brown). The life can be extended by taping the loose ends of the tiles (we recommend using a special tape for this purpose + a cover strip, where the part of the lower sides lets moisture out through small holes, but the tape of the upper parts should be completely moisture-proof).
  • If the inside is already completely dirty, it is relatively impossible to clean.
  • Not brightly transparent, the surface does not need to be diffused to protect the plants.
  • The strength depends on the thickness (normally 4mm to 10mm thickness would be suggested). For example, 4 mm thick polycarbonate can be broken by even a small coke or hail, but 10 mm is stronger than thin glass.
  • In the case of plastic, it is necessary to make sure of its UV resistance , otherwise the sun can bleach it to brittleness within a year.
  • Depending on the thickness , good thermal insulation that evens out the temperature and extends the growing season.
  • More expensive than all other glass covering materials. For an affordable price, be sure to check the quality of the material!
  • Safe and lightweight.


  • Unnatural material.
  • Difficult to clean.
  • Not brightly transparent, the surface does not need to be diffused to protect the plants.
  • The weakest material of the coatings.
  • The cheapest material of the covers.
  • Retains moisture well , suitable for the growth of moisture-loving plants (for example, cucumber)


– You can find comparative information about different FRAMES of greenhouses here. – Comparative information about different FIXTURES AND FOUNDATIONS of the greenhousesyou can you find here.


Spacious inside and handsome outside. The frame is made from strong profiles and it’s rigid. The glazing is durable and long-lasting. My greenhouse must withstand also with snow and stormy winds. Doors and windows move easily and securely.

The lifetime of the greenhouse – how long a greenhouse lasts depends directly from its material, construction and quality. Proper greenhouses remain more than twenty years. While greenhouses purchased with “super- and discount offers” break completely under even a slightly stronger wind, average snow load or plants tied to the roof.

more than 100 different models
– in addition, different coating options: glass, horticultural glass, tempered glass, polycarbonate
– in addition, different colors of frames: gray, green, black, white
– a very wide selection of different accessories
– a wide selection of garden products needed for the greenhouse and garden
